Corvette...Anything else is just a car!
2003 - Larry Kuzma
2013 - Barb Kuzma.
2006 - Rick Moody
1992 - Lois Hallberg
1986 - Gary Nicholl
1994 - Ron Pettit
2015 - Barb Kuzma
2002 - Larry Kuzma
2004 - Larry Kuzma
1996 - Bill Patterson
1998 - Liz Barkell
1988 - Wayne Lush.
1991 - John Harper
2010 - Bob Ramlo
2011 - Bob Sommers
Excerpt from the January 2004 minutes:
The year 2004 was the twentieth anniversary of Classical Glass, John gave a presentation on the origins and history of the club. John has quite likely held continuous membership in the club longest of all. In 1984, the year following the club’s organization, John’s had membership number 6, right behind the five founding members.
In August of 1983, Dave Baker, Gary Nicholl, Ron Pettit, Dan Smith, and Neil Whitehead, friends and enthusiastic Corvette owners, held a membership rally in the parking lot of Frontier Mall in Cheyenne. Classical Glass was off and running!
John brought a blue and white club jacket from the early days, and a more familiar white and red jacket from later. John has decorated the white jacket with many of the jacket patches from past Black Hills Corvette Classics in Spearfish, South Dakota. It appears he has more patches than jacket!
John discussed the original logo and its change over the years. The logo in 1984 featured an image of the 1984 Corvette, the first year of C4 production. Over the years as the C4’s design matured and changed, and as the C5 was introduced, the logo featuring the 1953 and 1984 Corvettes remained unaltered. A quest for club polo shirts in the spring of 2003 led to the logo design now in use, still featuring the 1953 Corvette, but the 1984 had become a 2003 C5.
Showing his adaptation to the world of laptop computers, photo scanning and PowerPoint presentations, John gave a slide show of club events and people. An almost life-size younger version of Martin Egan was shown projected on the wall detailing his 1977 Corvette at a Mall show. John decided to have the picture of Martin open the show to commemorate his being named chairman of the board for 2004. Mall shows were the perfect opportunity to super-detail your car. You had almost three whole days in an air conditioned building to do as much as you could stand. The downside was that the cars were sequestered inside the mall in mid-August when cruising was at a premium. So the club would gather for a Saturday afternoon cook-out and pony keg in the Lush’s backyard as part of the ritual.
Paula Spears was also pictured at the same mall show cleaning the orange ‘76 coupe she and husband Roy entered. John wanted everyone to know that Paula was the member who suggested, pursued, and gained Classical Glass’s involvement in the Highway Cleanup program. John only inherited it when Paula left.
John’s memory of the cleanup program was the discovery of how much trash collected around the Archer overpass ramps and of the amazing amount of trash that could be found at the east port-of-entry. As some of the truckers got out of their trucks after parking at the port they would open both cab doors to let our cherished winds clean the truck. After two long cleanup sessions, the club asked the Highway Department to have the port-of-entry area exempted from the clubs two-mile section.
John showed a photo of several members in orange vests armed with orange bags ready to haul trash. This photo was noteworthy, he told us, because of the large, fluffy clouds shown in the sky. “I could hardly get anyone out to pickup trash if there was a single cloud, anywhere”, he said.
Photos of former members who have died were shown. John had pictures of Sam and Del Powell, with the ‘62 they restored, before and after the palm tree murals in the coves. LaVera Coleman and Barbara Paterson, were also remembered.
1984 - Dan Smith
2001 - Wade Barkell
1999 - Liz Barkell
1989 - Paula Spears
2019 - Brian Young
2020 - Brian Young
2021 - John Harper
2022 - John Harper
2023 - John Harper
2024 - John Harper
1985 - Jim Johnson
1983 - Dan Smith
1995 - Bob Sommers
1990 - Bob Sommers
2012 - Bob Sommers
2016 - Barb Kuzma
Classical Glass Corvette Club Since 1983
2000 - Bruce Hendrickson
2007 - Sam Paiz
2009 - Bob Ramlo
2017 - Bob Ramlo
2005 - Rick Moody
2008 - Sam Paiz
1993 - Wayne Lush.
2014 - Barb Kuzma
1987 - Pete Zakar
1997 - Brian Young
2018 - Brian Young